The way people work is rapidly evolving. Over the last year, Corporate Real Estate has seen more changes than any other year and and in more ways than we can easily count. COVID created a massive remote/Work From Home experiment that will have lasting, unknown consequences.

Flexible office solutions always make sense when there is uncertainty in the market. In the past, that included recession, new market entry, Brexit, and the North American Free Trade Agreement. We are now living in the most uncertain times of our lives.

Flex space is here to stay. COVID has accelerated their acceptance curve by years. Our clients tell us they are excited to return to the office. They are looking for new ways to maximize employee productivity while containing costs and mitigating risks.

WPS Global is evolving too. Founded 6 years ago this month as Workplace Solutions, WPS Global has a new logo, website, and blog. Why change? Simple—to stay a leader in our field. Our website and blog provide more information for our clients and partners. While our services have always been global, many were unaware of our reach. Finally, our new URL and email addresses are certainly easier to type. When we started six years ago, Workplace Solutions focused on executive office suites for teams of WPS Global routinely helps our clients find larger spaces up to hundreds of seats for years. We will continue to evolve to support our clients and partners. Thanks for joining us on this journey.

Josh Lisman
WPS Global